05 December 2010

Bus Stuck in the Mud

How can it be December already? And really was the last time I blogged in August? I have got to get better.

Well to the title of this one. the Wednesday after Thanksgiving I got my bus STUCK, and I mean STUCK in the mud. I had a problems with a student that doesn't stay in his seat very well and I was moving him to the front seat where I have a seat belt that was installed a few years ago when there was another problem child. Well I found a safe spot to pull over (you know big Yellow buses can't just pull over anywhere) I took care of the trouble student. When i pulled off the road I remembered that it had been raining for about 24hrs before but I thought I would be OK. BIG mistake at I got ready to pull away I realized I was stuck, No Problem, I'm not a Williams for nothing, we figure things out and try to solve problems ourselves. So I thought I have snow chains in my storage box on the side of the bus, I'll use them to give me some traction. Mistake Number 2, they got lost in the Mud (the Mechanics finally founds them both and returned them to my bus, but now they are all muddy). I finally decided I needed to call the big guys out to help me.They came to the rescue and we evacuated the bus so they could pull the bus out of the mud. All the kids on the bus where great they really wanted to help and most of my 5th graders where a great help. I did have 2 little ones that where upset and crying, they where afraid that mommy wouldn't know where they where (one of them was Spanish and mommy didn't speak English) but 45 minutes later they where all safe and sound at home and I got home. I now have brown-wall-tires and a nice coating of mud on the underside of the bus. Mud coating is good right it protects from sunburn right? Oh yeah I for got that is for pigs and elephants.

Oh Well Just another one for the file of Been There, Now I've done that, and I don't want to repeat it, but I'm not a Williams for nothing (we don't always learn from our mistakes)

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