14 March 2009


Friday the 13th has never been so unlucky for me as it was today.... I thought that it was starting off great... I wake up this morning and we had about 3/4 of an inch of snow on the grounded... It didn't stick to the roads at all in our area, kinda reminded me of Camelot (it never rains until after sun down, and the fall leaves fall into nice little piles)... then we didn't have school today, that had nothing to do with the snow it was a teacher workday. (which most of the teachers I know hate, they say they would rather teach kids all day than have to have workday, Go figure???)..... So good start to the day... until my girls wake up, they are upset... you see we have had weather in the 60's this week and they have been riding bikes and playing outside every afternoon and where hoping for a day of that, both of them where mad at the snow... in fact Evelyn said "this is a waste of snow." I asked why? "Because we are already out of school."... OK note to Heavenly Father only send snow when we are in school so we can get out... then the girls realize that since they decided to watch a movie last night that they now have to clean ... and this is Evelyn's Birthday, but she had the choice of cleaning before b-day or watching a movie and she chose watch a movie... OK let's clean, they cleaned i took dad to work and did some shopping (not fun stuff, I HATE shopping) ... When I come home they have doe a great job on the house I was very impressed, I also thought that since they had cleaned it they would do a better job of keeping it clean... I wish I would keep these thoughts locked away because it never happens... but Oh Well! we work on the laundry together and then Elisabeth says mom I'll make the brownies for tonight... OK go for it, I'm trying to let her learn some cooking skills and I need to get the printer working on the computer so I can finish our taxes and print program for Evelyn's Baptism tomorrow... so she in the kitchen making brownie and I hear " OH NO! there's oil everywhere!" As I walk into the kitchen I smell the oil from the french fryer and I see all over the floor the oil from the french fryer... I am floored, I just want to cry... all over my kitchen floor is about a gallon of used yucky oil and we need to leave for a church activity soon... I don't buy paper towels to me they are to expensive for napkins which is what my family use them for... So I have nothing to grap to clean this mess up, I finally think about newpaper so I ask Evelyn to get me some... Elisabeth is upstairs getting some old towels... As evelyn is getting the newspapers she knocks over a whole container of hamster food, all over the newly vacuumed carpet... I throw newspapers on top of the oil so that they can soak up most of it and I will not have to ruin as many old towels (I still use them for other things)... Elisabeth finishes the brownies and gets them in the oven... I finish getting the printer to work and print out the taxes... Evelyn cleans up the hamster food... the brownies are done but the oil is still on the floor, waiting and if I had my say it would stay there for ever... In Fact Elisabeth had a great idea to night at church why don't we just light it on fire to clean it up... not a great idea but I did consider it for about 1/2 a second... we get ready for church, by the way this is our anual chilli cook off and I didn't have enough ingriedents to make my chilli... so we go to this and I think this will be a nice ending to an almost prefect day... not Evelyn has to have a run in with a door, why she was running in the halls I don't know but that door should not have knocked her in the head, but it did (Bad Door!)... so as I'm trying to help her with the goose egg that is forming on her head I hear her say "this is the worse Birthday ever!!!"... and right now at 2 am as I am cleaning up the messy oil off the floor I'm thinking the next friday 13th that comes around I'm staying in bed!!!

1 comment:

rich and steph said...

dang. Not a good day! I hope you get some sleep before the baptism. You need it girlfriend:_