16 March 2009

My Testimony

I started a tradition in our family that I hope my children will pass down to their children. When they turn 8 years of age and are baptized, they receive a note book full of Testimonies from Family and Friends. I know that I have learn so much about my family from reading these and I hope that as my daughters grow in the gospel that they will be able to draw strength from this book to help them when they are at a rough time in their life. I wanted to share the testimony that i placed in Evelyn's Book. I'm not one that gets up once a month and shares my testimony on Fast Sunday, I think it is because I am so shy. But I Do have one and those of you that live in my ward may want to know that so here it is.

Dearest Evelyn,
On this special day I would like to share with you something that is very special and important to me, my Testimony. As you take this important step in your life, I want you to know that I am very proud of you for making this choice of baptism. This is the first and most important choice of many on the straight and narrow path that you will make in your life.

I wish that I had a neat story to tell you about my baptism day but for me it was like any other day. I remember going to swimming lessons that morning and walking home thinking about that I was going to do that evening. I can tell you that you will remember this day for a long time.

I want you to know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true. I know the Heavenly Father and Jesus appeared to Joseph Smith. I know that with the power of the Holy Ghost Joseph Smith translated the golden plates into what we know as the Book of Mormon. I know that as you read and study the Book of Mormon you will realize the love the Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have for you.

I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus know YOU! They know each one of us just as I know you and Elisabeth, but they know you even more. They don’t think of us as a big group, like your teacher at school might, They think of us as individuals. They want you to talk to Them that is what prayer is for. Just as you would not be able to go a day without speaking to me or you’re Dad, you should not go a day without speaking to Heavenly Father. He will help you and guide you through the Holy Ghost, with your life on the earth.

You will receive today the greatest gift that anyone can give you, the gift of the Holy Ghost. Just as it says in the song (the Holy Ghost) he is a “True eternal friend” he is with you always, even when you think that no one else is He is there. He is how Heavenly Father speaks to us. Always remember to listen, he doesn’t yell, he uses a still small voice.

Evelyn as you go through life I hope that you will remember the covenants that you make today and remember what it says in 2 Nephi 31. Jesus loves you and He wants you to return to live with Him and Heavenly Father.

Know also that I love you and know that no matter what you do in life I will always love you. Thank you for being my daughter and making me proud, stay close to Heavenly Father and remember if you need help on the path that you are not alone, the Holy Ghost is there to help you along with your family.

Love Always
Kasandra Barker


rich and steph said...

Beautiful and I am crying:)

Mary said...

I love it. That is such a great tradition to give them a book of testimonies. I might have to steal that idea!

And I hope you do not mind that I am here..... I saw your blog address posted on facebook! :)