16 July 2010

Return with Honor

I was blessed to have the best parents for me. I know as a child I always wanted the parents of friends (you know the grass is always greener on the other side stuff) but my parents where the ones that Heavenly Father decided I needed to help me grow here on earth. He even bless our family to find the true Church of Christ on the earth today, I am proud to say that I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS or Mormon). My parents where converted in Italy by 2 very special missionaries. I have had many struggles in my life with my Faith but I always remember that I KNOW the truth. I was also blessed with seeing a vision of my Granny about a year after her death, in the dream I spoke to her for hours but was only allowed to remember 2 things the most important was I asked her if IT was true? her answer was "remember what you have been taught." that is all I have to remember because I have been taught since I was 5 years old (that was the age my parents joined the church). Am I perfect, No not by a very long shot, but does that mean that I should give up? NO!!!! I must "remember all that I have been taught."

What I have been taught is the I have a Heavenly Father that loves me more than I will ever understand in this life. I have been taught that He sent his son Jesus Christ to die for us so that we can return to live with Him forever. Jesus Christ is my elder brother, as a child I always wanted an older brother I just didn't understand that I already had one, and just as an older brother on earth would look after my welfare so will Christ. I have been taught that I have a special guide through this life and that I am never alone even when I think I am, the Holy Ghost is my companion in all that I do. I have also been taught that we have living Prophets on the earth again today, they help to guide us back to our Heavenly Father. These are some of the things I have been taught but they are also the things the I Know without a shadow of a doubt I will not change my mind on any of these things. I pray that Heavenly Father will continue to bless me to Know the truth of all things that I need to return to Him with honor.

I want to have the arms of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ out streched for me and hear them say "well done you have returned with honor."

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