30 November 2008

Mad Pictures

Several years ago, Ok about 8 yrs, I decided that my Hubby and I needed to have a new picture done, well that was the easy part. How many of you have tried to dress you family for a group picture? Then you know what it is like to get them all looking the same or at least not clashing. Well this day for some reason my hubby did not want to cooperate and we ended up having a huge argument. I was so mad that I just knew that our pictures would be terrible, But that wasn't the case, I think they are the best we have ever had made and we haven't had any done since then. You be the judge. The one above was not bad I think by the time we go to that one I was not as made at him any more.

As you can tell by the look on his face he wasn't very happy either. I'm thinking if I could only get my hands around his throat? I'm also trying to get as close to him as possible I didn't want the fact that I was 6 months pregnant to be seen in the photos.

Another one that he couldn't hide his feelings.

By the look on my face I think I'm glad that we where almost done. I was almost over my anger with him, and now 8yrs later we are still happily married and still get in those fights but now it just rolls off my back like water off a ducks. Time to go get him mad again so we can have another photo done of just the 2 of us. Now what can I do to make him mad it me this time????

1 comment:

rich and steph said...

Those are cute!! You could bite him, pants him (a favorite at our house), or make him wear pink in the picture!!! I will think of some more and get back to ya:)