22 January 2009

The spill

I wish it was a spill. This morning I was going to my bus to get it ready for the day when I twisted my ankle and fell into what could have been a big mud puddle but luckily we haven't had any of the wet stuff lately. As I was laying out on the ground trying not to cry I realized that I don't bounce, I hit the ground like a flat basketball does. As I was getting my self back up I knew I hadn't broken anything thank Heavenly Father for that. I was thinking I need one of those buttons to wear around my neck where if you fall you push it and say "I've fallen and I can't get up" I that is what I want for my next birthday, by the time I celebrate another one I will be old enough for one. you see I'm going to stay 38 for a long, long, long time.

Also Jill I can't find a supplier of bubble wrap that can get me enough of the stuff to wrap my entire body. So I guess I'll have to just be happy that I'm a flat basketball and try not to stop the ground from coming up with my body.

Been There, Done That, and It HURTS!!!!!! wheres my cane.


Mom of The Fields Fam Five said...

If I had the means, I would send you a supply of bubble wrap. Girl, be careful. Keep smiling. Laugh at yourself. Eat two chocolates and call me if it doesn't help! Well, maybe not chocolate. I am about to post a sign in my house that says..."Chocolate is the Devil"! Blood sugar is too high after Tyler's death by Chocolate cake yesterday for his birthday!

rich and steph said...

No canes for you!! And you may not stay 38. If Jill and I have to turn 40 so do you. Ask my Bee girls from Science camp, chocolate does cure everything. I want some death by chocolate cake. How about some sin? The Salyers family recipe.

Mom of Esquared said...

I didn't get chocolate but I did bounce back better than I thought I would. The leg muscle is bruised but not to bad. I thought I would not be able to get out of bed the next morning but all is well and I even got the girls room clean, More about this later. sorry Steph I will be staying 38 for a while at least until I'm 50 for some reason I have a fear of the 40's, must have something to do with the gray hair (mom had in her forty's) and just the whole over the hill thing.