06 February 2009

Work in Progress

This post hopefully will be a work in progress today, I will come back and change things though out the day so you can see what I have done.

You see today I am a free Woman, not that every day I'm not free. But today is special, My wonderful hubby, is taking a day trip with both of the girls to visit his Parents for their 50th Wedding Anniversary. I unfortunately I have to work, (the tears are falling and shorting out the keyboard, NOT!!!) I need some mommy downtime. Something I don't get much of since I drive a school bus the one that my kids ride, I work in their school lunchroom as a monitor and I'm home with them most of the time. Don't get me wrong I love my Girls and would not know how to live my life if anything happen to them. But as all mothers know we sometimes need a day off. Well As I said this is a work in progress so here is my progress.

8:45 am...family out the door.
9:oo am... Elisabeth knocking on the front door, "daddy forgot his pills"
9:01 am... family gone again.
9:15 am ...clean bedroom, change sheets, gather all the dirty clothes and toss them down the stairs.
9:45 am... Realize I'm not dressed for work yet, and I don't have any clean pants to wear.
9:50 am ... search closet for pants, find pair that didn't fit when I bought them, put them on and they fit.
10:00 am... go down stairs being careful not to fall as all the dirty laundry is on the steps and piled on the floor at the bottom of stairs and in front of the front door.
10:02 am... find the towels and throw them in the washer to say I have the laundry started.
10:05 am... Sit down in front of the computer and blog about my pants and how the fit.
10:25am... realize that I have to walk to work and be there in 5 mins, if I want to have lunch before starting.
10:26am... realize that getting out the front door is going to be a problem, can't move clothes,
10:26 & 1/2 am... I shove the clothes out of the way and run to work... well this body doesn't run but I walked pretty fast, I have to have my free school lunch, it's free what can I say.
10:30 am until 1:30pm... work in the lunchroom handing out Ice Cream, cleaning up spills, taking out the trash, sending kids to the nurse to cover bleeding scratches, and dismissing the classes as they are finished.
1:30 pm... hitch a ride home with a co-worker.
1:35 pm... start sorting dirty clothes, and start another load in the washer.
2:30 pm... time to walk back up to the school to drive bus to take students home for the weekend, for some reason they don't want to stay at school all weekend, I would have thought that would be fun. Did you notice it took me almost 1 hour to sort all the dirty clothes, I think every piece of clothing in the house was dirty.
2:45 pm until 4:30 pm driving school bus for kids that don't want to stay the weekend at school.

Now it's 5:30 and I'm tired of working and I'm missing my family... wait a minute what am I saying. Yes if I really admit it I miss them... they bless my life so much... I wish I had gone with them... Oh well... I have to go the buzzer on the dryer is telling me another load is done.

Been there, Done that, and still folding laundry.

1 comment:

rich and steph said...

I love this - so witty and fun. Especially the part where you sat down to blog that your pants fit;) Great feeling.