09 December 2008

Can't find the switch.

I know that my friends have been bugging me to post some more here, BUT I think that my Brain has stopped working. I am having problems getting the stories that are floating around in my brain to float down to my finger tips and out on to the keyboard. if anyone has any idea of how to jump start my brain again I'm up for them. just post them in the comments and I will try them and see what I come up with. Thanks in advance.

Been there (I think), Done that (I'm sure I have) and looking for the on switch.

1 comment:

rich and steph said...

Yay you put up your award!! I tagged you so you can do the tag. If you don't have an ipod, you can use a tape, radio, walkman, whatever. It is a fun one and I got it from a mormon mommy:) Hope you liked the butterflies! They did say in an ensign 5 months ago to use blogging as a missionary tool:)