12 December 2008

Found the switch

Earlier this week I couldn't find the switch to help me with blogging now I think I have found it. 2 in one day that is amazing and I have more floating around waiting to come out of my fingers but I have to find the time to sit still. I have to remind myself that I am a mom and I have to take care of the family. So if I get a chance later to night to sit and let me "fingers do the walking" I may post some more but don't hold your breath, I don't want any blue readers.

Been there, Done that, and it doesn't fit here.


rich and steph said...

Let's see-got you to fall for Edward now you are blogging. What can we convert Kasandra too next? It is a good thing Jill, myself and you do not live close to each other:) Our families would never see us~

Mom of Esquared said...

That would be so much fun.

rich and steph said...

I know!!! It would be a blast and the kids could all entertain each other;)

Mom of Esquared said...

you don't know my girls they love to entertain, sometimes I think they should have been Jill's not mine, they are such "Hams"

rich and steph said...

You are a Ham too-you just think you are not! Keep on writing I love your blog:)