23 December 2008


Ok, I went to bed early last night, 3 hours of sleep the night before just doesn't cut it for me, (I LOVE sleep) even though I took a 15minute nap that didn't help either, So off to bed I went. I get up this morning ready to get the day started and come downstairs to a mess, now grant-it the living room was not clean before I went to bed, a stack of DVD's on the table, the piles of laundry still waiting to get in our much to small for a family of 4 the washer (Another story for another time). But I was not expecting to find that my girls had left me an even bigger mess when I got up this morning, I should have theses are my kids I'm talking about. But they did and I was about to blow my Top and pull them out of bed to clean it up, BTW it is 4 am. I decided that I would let them sleep for about an hour more, I wasn't ready to deal with crumply kids yet.

So I thought Will at least clean up my mess. As I was staring to work on the mess that I had I came around the end of the Blanket Chest/ coffee table, And what do my wondering eyes see but 6 neatly wrapped presents laying uner our Christmas tree, I know that they where not there before I went to bed, you see I am the only one in the house that Wraps Presents and I have not done that this year. So I go to find out who has been wrapping boxes with my wrapping paper. then I realize that i don't have that kind of paper. That's when I noticed the gift tags on each present says "To:" then names a member of our family "From: Santa"my heart melts and I begin to cry. as I sat there on my knees looking at these gifts I also find laying on the table 2 giftcards with money for our favorite store. I cried even more, I say a prayer of Thanks to my Heaven Father because I BELIEVE, that there is a Santa, this is the 2nd year her has been to our house and left presents for us.

After this I decided that I'm not going to get my girls up early to clean the Livingroom and I finish cleaning it, they have a little pile of things that they need to put away in their room but other than that they are going to get up a Happy mom, today.

Thank you Santa, you made my day.


Unknown said...

Now that's awesome!

Mom of Esquared said...

Thanks, I thought it was too. Thanks for checking out my blogg, I just got back from your It's great. I love the pictures. I want a D60 but that will have to wait a while. I'll be watching for more,

rich and steph said...

That is so cool!!! And made for a happy mommy.