12 December 2008


Why on earth would a completely sane woman in her late 30's sleep on the living room floor?
Why would this same person also get up every 2 hours with out setting an alarm clock?
Why would she decided in the middle of the night, 11:30 pm to be exact, to clean the bathroom that 20 minutes earlier was clean?
Why would she decided to wash clothes in the middle of a perfectly good night for sleeping?
Why would she THINK that cleaning a carpet in the middle of the night was a good thing?
Why would she not want to get/give hugs from her beloved hubby?

Because this woman is a MOM and this woman is me! My oldest Elisabeth decided yesterday that she needed to come home early from school she was not feeling well. First off the Vice-Principal came running into the Lunchroom saying "you need to go to the office Elisabeth is in there and she doesn't look good!" well what am I to think I go running into the office and find Elisabeth in the nurse's office as pale as a sheet, and looking a little green around the gills. So I take her home nothing happened most of the afternoon while I was on the Bus. But then when we got home all heck broke lose, I have had maybe 3 hrs of sleep and that's adding it all together. I have cleaned my bathroom 2-3 times in the middle of the night, done at least 2 extra loads of laundry, cleaned the carpet in the bedroom with a sleeping child still in bed a sleep. AND I slept on the floor of the living room so that I could be next to my precious child in the night (she slept peacefully on the couch, all night, once all the plumbing issues had been flushed out). So now at the start of what should have been a SNOW DAY!!! I have to get my butt up and drive a school bus then come home and finish the jobs that I just could not get done with one eye open and the other one trying to sleep. I hope my Family knows how much I love them, because once the holidays are over with I'm going to have a big break down and go into hibernation for the next 6 months. OH DARN!!!! I can't I'm a mom!

Been There, Done That, and don't want the T-shirt (it smells like spew!)

BTW I don't want hugs from my Hubby because I don't want to spread the love, so I guess I will be sleeping on the couch, until I decided that I don't have the "plumbing sickness."

1 comment:

rich and steph said...

It spreads without the hugs or loves. We all have strep and I tried so hard to not have the love spread. I wish I lived closer so I could give you a break. What happened to your holiday background?